Starlight in a Scarf
January was cold
with the scent of funeral flowers
and moldy gray clouds
strangling blue sky.
Grief swam through my veins
like an Olympic swimmer.
Hungry tears chased me
to the edge as if bleak
was a gold medal.
I can’t say time heals.
I’m in the rawness of losing my Dawn.
Each day is heavy, my voice hoarse with why.
Yet, like her name she comes with light
to candle me through my darkest days.
I feel her urge me toward healing,
tell me to go into the space of joy
creating brings me.
In the days when I’m stuck, I don’t
want to shower, to eat, to talk,
I walk to one of her photographs
to let myself feel her freedom.
She is where she has no pain,
in the arms of her Daniel,
a starlight woman leaving notes
on my heart of courage and love.
Today I sit among her scarves
braiding myself into moments
of love, of her presence, of her strength
to push forward when circumstances
taunt me with, “Just give up”.
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