In the Spoiled Blue


I scooped white clouds

from spoiled blue sky

to float a sea gull wind.


For a few moments

I felt the breath of eternity,

the weightless wink of dreamers.


I was everything in nothing,

and nothing in everything,

an exhale releasing the storm.


Freedom didn’t tease or ask permission.

It just took all of me

exactly where I needed to fly. 

©Susie Clevenger 2022

This is the blog I have dedicated to the grieving process of losing my daughter, Cynthia Dawn. In this journey there are days of light and dark and thankfully the last few have had more light. I often turn to art as therapy. In fact I call my artistic expression my journal. This week I created art from sticks and beads. When I saw this image from Carrie on the Sunday Muse it inspired me to express through poetry what my art projects did for me this past week. 


  1. Susie, I like the centered space from which you wrote from. Respite from extremes.

  2. Just beautiful writing, Susie..........I love your art too.

  3. Such a sad and beautiful poem. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear daughter. This is a very challenging time for you. Hugs.

  4. "The weightless wink of dreamers"..I absolutely love that line and each stanza that follows is as gorgeous and deep as far away seas! I love this poem Susie and your art is wonderful!

  5. The balance and breath in this is gorgeous.

  6. I can feel your words sailing," breathtaking the weightless wink of dreamers" a line I wished I had written...

  7. Everything is nothing is everything nothing is, or so says the Philosopher Pete Townsend. Have you ever seen the movie "Powder"? It touches on this idea that energy never dies it just changes form and that when we die we don't go to a place, we just go out into everything. I don't presume to know, but it sounds right to me, at least for today.

  8. 'the weightless wink of dreamers' - sublime!

  9. Susie, this is magical ... "for a few moments I felt the breath of eternity" produced chills.

  10. As as therapy. This so powerful in your comforting.

  11. Such movement and beauty here, Susie. I wish you that sense of life and freedom--we need it after the harrowing of life, and the darkest times, more than we need it in the good and buoyant ones. This one does indeed have wings, especially that last stanza.

  12. 'the weightless wink of dreamers' - wonderful line. Your poetry and art are equally extraordinary.


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